One I have interviewed myself: Medical Ozone is a gas that when it enters the body intravenously acts like "glue" to all viruses, bacteria, fungus, yeast, mold, toxins and harmful "free" radicles. Ozone has helped some, though I became totally depleted of antioxidants glutathione, vitamins A, C, E, and lipoic acid. It has been recognized that HSV-1 herpes infection can be transmitted to the genital area via oral sex. Like with any treatment, 10 pass ozone has some side effects, primarily due to the use of heparin. Join the FB group Ozone to Health there is a list with ozone doctors who do 10 pass. These include: Does 10 Pass Ozone have any disadvantages? It is worth mentioning that Mr. Rod. I own several ozone generators including a German hyperbaric 10 Pass machine. I can recommend Dr. Lahodny in Austria, the inventor of the 10 Pass method or Lahodny I as he calls it now. In the USA, the CDC classifies the herpes simplex virus as one of the most prevalent sexually transmitted infections. There is no reason to believe ozone would lead to mitochondrial membrane damage. While more clinical studies are required to assess how beneficial ozone therapy is for Covid-19 patients, it shows promise and offers hope to patients with severe disease. 10 pass is so powerful, the 10-pass can be given 1-5 times a week! I'm pinning all my hopes for you. If you decide to make a purchase through one of my links, they will pay me a commission. It is worth [while for it] to be popularized. Herpes is caused by having skin contact with someone who is infected, whether vaginal, oral, or anal. I truly understand the comment hurts so good now. On the other hand, the Confort model and also the Zotzmann 2000 seem to have an extra device where the blood line passes through. Xtreme Healing & Acupuncture. I have an educated doctor, and he ran the tests. Please note after 3 treatments i got really sick for about 3-4 days but after that i felt amazing. (we are from Spain)is there any doctor in Germany? What are the Latest Anti-Aging Protocols? This helps combat issues like chronic hepatits and chronic colitis. Has there been any research to make sure the dose of ozone is not too much and not inducing any genotoxic harm? It can treat Lyme disease, shingles, recurrent herpes simplex, influenza and pneumonia. Diabetic complications are attributed to the oxidative stress in the body, O3 was found to activate the antioxidant system affecting the level of glycemia. Any other treatment procedure like antivirals etc. Miracle worker with magic hands. Ozone greatly enhances mitochondrial activity. Hi, I actually removed the doctor in Spain. HSV-2 causes recurrent outbreaks of small, painful blisters in a rash that may take 2-4 weeks or more to heal. Our approach is specific to your body. Once the patients vein is punctured, blood is sucked into the bottle by the vacuum. I would like to have the list of pratitioners in Europe. It may be surprising, then, to discover that many doctors actually use ozone therapy as a treatment for herpes. Often, veins are too weak or too small to withstand the considerable pressure exerted on them and the full 10 passes cannot be completed. Update 2019: this appears to be wrong, see this video I made on the topic. 10 pass ozone is an intensive form of ozone therapy that starts like standard ozone treatment. I would rather to BOOO: Everyday I get calls from potential patients who were diagnosed with Herpes 2 infections. I personally don't have information which convincingly shows that 10 passes are a reliable and best method to treat MS, certainly nothing that would warrant putting all one's hopes towards it. but when Demo was done Chennai, India after 7th pass, patient was almost lost. Its also said that the positive pressure during hyperbaric ozone applications protects the red blood cells from being damaged. However, signs and symptoms do not always show in HSV-1 infections. Including Adaptogen herbs, like Ashwagandha and Lepidium Meyenii. do not have the capacity to eliminate the virus but just to soothe the symptoms. You ask questions that seem off the wall, but made total sense when you showed me what you found in my structure. Neonatal herpes. The ozone here acts on the pathogens and cleanses the blood. 10 Pass / EBOO / RHP Therapy is Transforming The Way We Detox Our Patients & The Healing / Disease Curing Capacity of Biological Medicine -It's a Radical Treatment that Provides Radical Results! HSV-1 usually reflects symptoms like cold sores and blisters around the mouth. Thank you so much for putting this together. Loved the clarity and equal balance of opposing thoughts on treatment. Lyme is a multi systemic and multi symptomatic illness. Ozone gas can recruit white blood cells to infected areas, as well as improve the circulation of blood. Research has shown that ozone therapy can help treat infections caused by bacteria, viruses, fungi, yeast, and protozoa. I'm about to post a second part of the article where I will address exactly this question. Just to state it for the readers here as well: the bottle *can* be shaken, it doesn't have to be. If you have any questions regarding the 10 pass, let me know in the comments below. The two such therapies that can improve ones health condition and cells are bioresonance therapy and Pulsed Electromagnetic Therapy (PEMF). Ozone therapy has been used on patients with cardiovascular illness and . When conventional medicine fails to treat certain conditions has failed, or a patient is seeking alternative treatment, the 10-Pass method may be an option. There are multiple forms of ozone therapy, but systemic treatments are generally the kind of ozone therapy used for herpes. herpes, Lyme, and AIDS respond very favorably to ozone. A standard Direct Ozone IV (DIV) delivers 60 ml of an ozone/oxygen mix at a maximum ozone concentration of 50 ug/ml. Looking purely at the total ozone administered, for sure nothing beats the 10 Pass method. It does this by killing the viral capsid (shell) as well as destroying its reproductive cycle. Herpes. As a comparison, the hyperbaric Major Autohemotherapy (MAH) supplies around 150 ml of ozone at a concentration of around 40 ug/ml, which amounts to a total ozone dosage of around 6,000 ug or 6 mg. One 10 pass treatment can cure multiple ailments The 10 Pass method describes an ozone therapy treatment during which 200 ml to 220 ml of a patients blood are drawn under negative pressure (vacuum), the blood is then mixed under positive pressure with 200 ml of ozone at a concentration of 70 ug/ml, and then re-infused into the patients vein, also under positive pressure. Ozone, in general, effectively works in addressing chronic disorders and in reducing the viral load in a patients body. I am a very new Ozone practitioner. I also don't know of any doctor who specializes in treating MS patients with the 10 pass or any other ozone approach. Ozone-oxygen mixtures have been reported in scientific journals to inactivate microorganisms such as bacteria, fungi, and viruses. Pairing Ozone therapy with the Myers Cocktail or Immune Booster Infusion is very helpful, as these have high doses of vitamin C, lysine, zinc, and glutathione, along with many other ingredients that are beneficial for treatment. So, if you are in a flexible situation and have a degree. But some people took a lot more time than others to improve, even at Bocci's dose of 14,000 mcg per treatment. 18G is regarded as the ideal size. Make sure you choose your time zone. Ozone was found to completely inactivate the HIV in vitro, this action of O3 was dose-dependent. It improves uptake of oxygen into the blood and into the cells. You may also have other symptoms such as headaches, a burning sensation during urination, fever, and swollen glands. Ozone Zotzmann Multipass 1-10 Pass. He says that best results are achieved with a combination of both methods. The benefits and risks of the therapy need to be carefully assessed by experts in order to use it as an effective supplementary treatment for the deadly virus. Ever since the late 80's when thanks to ozone, I recovered from Lyme disease I have been a strong proponent of ozone therapies. I am wondering if it is worth trying out the ozone treatment given there is no effective cure available for MSA. Thus, if you suffer from these ailments, 10 Pass Ozone therapy is the best available medical alternative. No I was not informed of the possible side affects. Neither The Power of Ozone nor the manufacturers of these items are responsible for the misuse of this equipment or the information on this page. It travels everywhere in the blood stream even to the brain. Should I be concerned this is not enough? How can I learn more, please? It is worth mentioning that Mr. Rod. This is especially true for people with HIV. This, he claims, cures nearly all illnesses. I have not, I am afraid. Hi Dr. Patel, This year I learned about the 10-pass technique or high dose ozone therapy (HOT) from Dr. Frank Shallenberger who has been responsible for the proliferation of ozone therapy in the United States. Hi, how often did you receive the 10 pass treatments? This is completely painless, minimally invasive, and highly efficient. It can also be used to treat Lyme disease, shingles, recurrent herpes simplex, influenza and pneumonia. Hi Evelyn, do not have the capacity to eliminate the virus but just to soothe the symptoms. I am a strong advocate and supporter and attest to the power of Ozone. Problems of this scope demand attention from the worlds top researchers. The total ozone dosage supplied is 10 x 70 ug/ml x 200 ml = 140,000 ug (= mcg = micrograms) or 140 mg, hence the name Ozone High Dose. You took the time to explain how my pelvis and hip were affecting my legs. Was this 10 pass $800 procedure done grossly in error ? One other thing is. Hi Jo, This is one pass using our 10-pass machine, and additional passes are $50. It was developed by Dr Johann Lahadony and Dr Arul. I think it would be probably best to contact him directly. If it is overactive, it will dampen it. My website is The rectal administration with high ozone dosages la Lahodny is NOT a substitute for the intravenous OTH, although the Austrian doctor claims that its effect is close. He concludes this from the observation that chronic wounds sometimes heal within 48 hours of the Ozone High Dose, which is the same result one achieves from an injection of cultured stem cells. the recommended butterfly needle size is 18G, but some use 19G or evern 20G. Studies show It can be eliminated through ozone treatment. In this article we will present the relevant facts of the herpes virus and of ozone therapy. You then said youd fix me right up and proceeded to do just that! Or a Herx due to ozone, or a combination of both. I look forward to our maintenance sessions! I was trained by an Austrian doctor who has been treating himself and patients for 50 years, and his co-presenter has been studying medical applications in Cuba for 30 years! How can I learn more? Hi Paola, 10 pass ozone therapy is safe but must be conducted by a qualified physician using the right equipment. In 10 pass ozone, drawing of blood and oxygenating it with ozone is repeated 10 times. Herrmann Hyper Medozon comfort being used for the administration of the Ozone High Dose. Dr. Lahodny recommends daily administrations of OHT for up to one month for certain conditions. The technician never once removed the bottle from the hook and vigorously shook it. Thank you! Mostly it is HSV-2 that causes herpes around the genitals and rectum. He charges Euro 120 for 1 10 Pass, or around $130. Search for: Home; About us. Asymptomatic patients can still transmit the virus, although the chances of doing so are higher if they have open sores. It supplies the body with a large amount of ozone in a much shorter time. The rectal administration with high ozone dosages la Lahodny is NOT a substitute for the intravenous OTH, although the Austrian doctor claims that its effect is close. Hi Learner, Here ozone is medically injected in close proximity to the affected nerve root for herpes. It has been found in independent testing that this is the only ozone generator on the market which puts out a precise ozone concentration, {Update August 2018:NOT CORRECT!! Everyday I get calls from potential patients who were diagnosed with Herpes 2 infections. Ozone therapy has been around for around 150 years, so I think if there was strong indication of it doing harm long term, it would have become evident by now, but who knows . Another paper documented the effectiveness of ozonated oil in a patient with zoster. Even though it is toxic when inhaled, it is safe8 when taken in small amounts via other means and when administered with proper handling and the right technology. Lets examine the medical facts before we jump to conclusions about being hopeless about Herpes.Herpes Simplex type 1 and 2, commonly know as genital herpes is one of the most common infective causes of genital ulceration in developed countries. Then well explore the possibility of using ozone therapy for herpes. After placing this blood in a container, ozone is injected into the same container and is mixed with the blood. I heard about the 10 pass and I want to do it. See here}, although it's the only one in the group of medical ozone machines without a built-in photometer. UVBI. Recommended Reading: Genital Herpes Hurts So Bad, Manifestation and treatment of herpes zoster Dr. Satish DA, Can Genital Herpes pose problems during pregnancy? It significantly increases oxygen utilization in the body. Supposedly, this allows for the red blood cells to absorb more oxygen. The 10 Pass method describes an ozone therapy treatment during which 200 ml to 220 ml of a patient's blood are drawn under negative pressure (vacuum), the blood is then mixed under positive pressure with 200 ml of ozone at a concentration of 70 ug/ml, and then re-infused into the patient's vein, also under positive pressure. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention , approximately 776,000 people3 develop new genital herpes infections nationwide, while the World Health Organization estimates that around 4 billion people7 are infected worldwide. Recommended Reading: Can You Take Medication For Herpes. It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website. How can one determine effectiveness ? Although it is not fatal and often dormant, when it flares up herpes causes uncomfortable symptoms. THANK YOU!! Ozone Therapy is useful in a great amount of disorders: Recommended Reading: Does Quercetin Help With Herpes. Hi All of this will be uncovered and decided upon during the consultation portion of your visits prior to any treatments, as the team puts together your individualized plan. Ozone is one modality that works for chronic infections and is very effective for reducing and eliminating high viral loads. You need to join the Facebook group Ozone to Health. Afterwards, my lungs are strained for several hours. Ozone has been used for generations and is known to have beneficial effects in killing bacteria and viruses, neutralizing toxic substances. Stay tuned :-). It is often signified by sores or blisters around the mouth. Dr Julian Holmes . Specific therapeutic applications of ozone therapy include the treatment of circulatory problems, viral diseases, ulcers, AIDS, certain forms of cancer, burns, wounds, scars, gangrene and liver disease. Susan. It mainly deactivates bacteria, fungi, yeast, and protozoa, and further accelerates the healing rate of oral . I can confirm through self experiments that swirling is indeed enough. Herpes virus can stay in the body and be active to transmit without even showing any symptoms. He says that best results are achieved with a combination of both methods. Or who can I ask? If doctors been using Zotzman and Herrmann forever for perform MAHs, the change between a MAH and a pass would be the oxygen added? Ozone has got the capacity to deactivate any pathogens like bacteria, viruses, fungi, and yeast and promotes the healing of oral mucosal lesions. Do you know of any success in treating MS with 10 Pass ozone? I heard that for some people ozone could possibly not be good. How often did you do the 10 pass and how long did it take for you to receive a negative igg score ? This form of treatment utilizes 46 times more ozone than regular ozone IV therapy. just wondering as with radiation the negative effects like cancer often only show up years later, obviously the patient feels no bad effects during a ct scan. The only warning about heparin was I should not fall down' or bump my head' for 24 hours. I had 20!ozone sessions for flouriquinine poisoning but it hasnt helped Ozone was also found to increase the host immunity by increasing the production of cytokine. HSV-1 can also be spread to the genitals if you receive oral sex from someone with it. The concentration of ozone was 20 gamma of ozone per cc (20 ug/ml) of oxygen-ozone mixture. Ozone for infections. The most common symptoms of the outbreak are accompanied by general illness, physical and emotional stress, challenged immunity etc. Also did you choose to do 10 pass 10 times or was that the Dr suggestion? Ozone therapy refers to the process of administering ozone gas into your body to treat a disease or wound. The rectal administration with high ozone dosages la Lahodny is NOT a substitute for the intravenous OTH, although the Austrian doctor claims that its effect is close. What is the Facebook group in which there is a list of drs who do 10 pass ft or 500$ ? When this occurs, the body compensates by creating new cells that are healthy and not infected. This can have dramatic adverse reactions: During this therapy, ozone is supplied to the body through gas or after dissolving in water to get the desired benefits. I really question its worth. Can the 10 pass ozone treatment be also administered rectally? Then join the Facebook group The Ozone Group to find out about doctors and their prices. The blood and ozone mix is then vigorously shaken, unlike during normobaric MAH where gentle swishing is indicated in order to not damage the erythrocytes (red blood cells). the list is not only with doctor in Europe, but worldwide. Ozone therapy is the process of administering ozone gas into the body, typically to treat a disease and/or wound. Using ozone therapy for herpes just helps your body do its job better. Though with no promises or guarantees, Ozone has been used all over the world to treat infections that normally cannot be fixed, i.e. We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. I wont ever forget this experience and the kindness you have shown me! Ozone has extensively been studied in medicine and currently applied at different possible concentrations in various disciplines such as dentistry, dermatology, acute and chronic infectious diseases, and pneumology (Bocci, 2006;Elvis and Ekta, 2011). These cookies do not store any personal information. Also Check: When Are Genital Herpes Contagious. {so why pay more for less ?}. Once the bag is filled with 200 to 220 ml of blood, a positive (hyperbaric) pressure is created inside the bottle. She has also had some prolozone injections into the joints. This means that it increases mitochondrial output of energy. I believe Dr. Lahodny uses both a Zotzmann and a Herrmann in his office. Hence, I am scared to do ten pass. Is that what you mean? It does modulate the immune system, so if it is underactive, it will stimulate it to be more active. For example, for herpes simplex 1, ozone is injected into the nerve around the mouth and thus from here oxidative action of ozone starts healing the ailment. It also costs around US$15,000. Once the blood is under positive pressure, ozone is added. Systemic ozone treatments have been shown to benefit the entire body by attacking free radicals and optimizing blood oxygenation. I truly believe, and experience has shown me to be correct many times that mega doses of ozone have the power to stop the progression and . As early as 1856, ozone gas was being actively used to disinfect surgical tools and equipment as well as a way to kill off bacteria and viruses found in drinking water. The entire process happens within a closed system to eliminate the possibility of contamination in just 45 minutes! At the core of regenerative medicine is a functional medicine approach. Ozone therapy works in several ways: It boosts the immune system when necessary, or calms it down when it is overactive. Thats great news. I will look into that book, thank you. But opting out of some of these cookies may have an effect on your browsing experience. I am glad I discovered your information here. Treatments are typically administered once a week, with patients usually noticing improvement in symptoms between the second and fourth session. sorry I missed your comment I am going to healthy healing cyprus for a month of ten pass and rectal ozone Ozone should be administered only with the use of the proper ozone generator, and it must be ensured that it is clean and free from any chemicals and contaminants. The 10 Pass method was originally invented by Dr. Lahodny with the use of this machine. The results of using ozone therapy, especially systemic ozone, in treating illness and infection are well documented. I have been using ozone for over 13 years, Ive chelated with the ACC program for close to 5 years and Ive been carnivore for nearly 1.5 years. I've completed 3 ten-pass sessions. This speeds up the process considerably. Since certain foods may help with the recovery, and other prohibited foods in the diet may escalate the disease or cause a relapse. If doctors been using Zotzman and Herrmann forever for perform MAHs, the change between a MAH and a pass would be the oxygen added? But the procedure during the 10 Pass is very similar. This also leads to a premature abortion of the application and the subsequent administration of Vit C in order to counteract the oversaturation with ozone. Using ozone therapy for herpes just helps your body do its job better. As mentioned earlier, EBOO can be used as part of an overall treatment plan to treat many different chronic illnesses, diseases, and disorders. Have you heard of any MSA paitents undergoing ozone treatment? You should, therefore, let your doctor know if you are allergic to this blood thinner, have elevated blood potassium levels or uncontrollable bleeding. It is almost exclusively transmitted sexually. Hi! Some other things you can do to protect yourself from getting herpes include: How does 10 Pass Ozone Therapy Treat Herpes? If you are pregnant, you might expose the baby during birth, which can cause complications like brain damage and blindness. Lahody/Rowen Modified High Dose Ozone Therapy. Yes, there are a few doctors who do the 10 Pass in Germany. We also suggest that those patients who have been diagnosed with certain conditions speak to their doctor before proceeding with the medical use of ozone, to ensure it fits well into their overall treatment plan. (720) 899-4770. Lets examine the medical facts before we jump to conclusions about being hopeless about Herpes.Herpes Simplex type 1 and 2, commonly know as genital herpes is one of the most common infective causes of genital ulceration in developed countries. I signed up for your FaceBook group, Absolutely fabulous.
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