The Ghost of Christmas Present tells Scrooge that his time is coming to an end when Scrooge notes something protruding from the folds of the. The walls and ceiling were so hung with living green, that it looked a perfect grove; from every part of which, bright gleaming berries glistened. Christmas Carol - Stave V Poverty in A Christmas Carol The Ghosts in A Christmas Carol Grade 9 6. She often cried out that it wasn't fair; and it really was not. Grace_Jakobs. The mention of his name cast a dark shadow on the party, which was not dispelled for full five minutes. All smiles and compliments, Scrooge tells the boy to go buy the prize turkey from the poultry shop, planning to send it to the Cratchits. he could accommodate himself to any place with ease; his own kind, generous, hearty nature, and his sympathy, Think of that. Scrooge's niece plays a tune on the harp, which softens Scrooge's heart. Execrable is an adjective used to describe something that is awful or very unpleasant. Remember that, and charge their doings on themselves, not us.. These penalties that the winner declared often varied depending on gender and required things like blindfolded kisses or embarrassing dances. Goodwill, cheer, charity and joy are all given freely during the season, and though he acknowledges that celebrating Christmas has never made him rich, he says that it has enriched him as a person. That was the cloth. Scrooge did as he was told, and held it fast. Scrooge has become more compassionate and understanding for those who are at a disadvantage, a change that is partially prompted by seeing the love that the Cratchits have for the good as gold Tiny Tim. He wouldn't catch anybody else. Why, bless your heart alive, my dear, how late you are! said Mrs. Cratchit, kissing her a dozen times, and taking off her shawl and bonnet for her with officious zeal. And your brother, Tiny Tim; and Martha warn't as late last Christmas Day by half an hour?. He had not accepted that his situation was real, continually questioning whether he was dreaming or not. lmoten4. Someone comes by to try to carol and Scrooge almost hits him in the face with a ruler. An old, old man and woman, with their children and their children's children, and another generation beyond that, all decked out gaily in their holiday attire. Though watching these games from the sidelines, Scrooge seems to share in their joy and excitement. Mr. Scrooge does not need to live an extravagant life in order to enjoy the holidays. But they were happy, grateful, pleased with one another, and contented with the time; and when they faded, and looked happier yet in the bright sprinklings of the Spirit's torch at parting, Scrooge had his eye upon them, and especially on Tiny Tim, until the last. Knocking down the fire-irons, tumbling over the chairs, bumping against the piano, smothering himself among the curtains, wherever she went, there went he. What seems to be the author's tone and intent in this passage? The chimes were ringing the three quarters past eleven at that moment. Any Cratchit would have blushed to hint at such a thing. Scrooge is able to see a tangible and visual representation of his own sour demeanor. Scrooges niece played well upon the harp; When this strain of music sounded, all the things that Ghost had shown him, came upon his mind; he softened more and more; and thought that if he could have listened to it often, years ago, he might have cultivated the kindnesses of life for his own happiness. He may rail at Christmas till he dies, but he can't help thinking better of itI defy himif he finds me going there, in good temper, year after year, and saying, Uncle Scrooge, how are you? When the Ghost sprinkles a few drops of water from his torch on them, however, peace is restored. A Christmas Carol Full Text - Stave Three - Owl Eyes Stave Three The Second of the Three Spirits A WAKING IN THE MIDDLE of a prodigiously tough snore, and sitting up in bed to get his thoughts together, Scrooge had no occasion to be told that the bell was again upon the stroke of One. `It ends to-night, `It might be a claw, for the flesh there is upon it,. But even here, two men who watched the light had made a fire, that through the loophole in the thick stone wall shed out a ray of brightness on the awful sea. oh the Grocers. These children personify Scrooge's attitude. Here is a glass of mulled wine ready to our hand at the moment; and I say Uncle Scrooge! , A Merry Christmas and a happy New Year to the old man, whatever he is! said Scrooge's nephew. and A Christmas Carol was written in 1843, so the new Exchange would have been completed very recently. Any Cratchit would have blushed to hint at such a thing. Its tenderness and flavour, size and cheapness, were the themes of universal admiration. . At last the dishes were set on, and grace was said., `Spirit, said Scrooge, after a moments thought,. `Not coming. said Bob, with a sudden declension in his high spirits; Martha didnt like to see him disappointed, if it were only in joke; He told me, coming home, that he hoped the people saw him in the church, because he was a cripple, and it might be pleasant to them to remember upon Christmas Day, who made lame beggars walk, and blind men see., Bobs voice was tremulous when he told them this, and trembled more. Do go on, Fred, said Scrooge's niece, clapping her hands. No doubt she told him her opinion of it, when, another blind-man being in office, they were so very confidential together, behind the curtains. Have you had many brothers, Spirit?. And now, without a word of warning from the Ghost, they stood upon a bleak and desert moor, where monstrous masses of rude stone were cast about, as though it were the burial-place of giants; and water spread itself wheresoever it listedor would have done so, but for the frost that held it prisoner; and nothing grew but moss and furze, and coarse rank grass. The poulterers' shops were still half open, and the fruiterers' were radiant in their glory. It is really in this Stave that Dickens brings to life the Christmas that we all know and love today . Included are worksheets on figurative language, a subject and predicate grammar worksheet, vocabulary definitions and study strips with puzzles, vocabulary test with key, Adapting "A Christmas Carol" Writing Activity, and "A Christmas Carol Christmas Card 6 Products $13.60 $17.00 Save $3.40 View Bundle Description Standards 4 Reviews 198 QA 1. Bob had but fifteen Bob a week himself; he pocketed on Saturdays but fifteen copies of his Christian name; and yet the Ghost of Christmas Present blessed his four-roomed house! The echoes of the church bell fade, however, and no ghost appears. And their assembled friends, being not a bit behindhand, roared out lustily. he was ready for a good broad field of strange appearances, and that nothing between a baby and rhinoceros would have astonished him very much. Oh, perfectly satisfactory! And perhaps it was the pleasure the good Spirit had in showing off this power of his, or else it was his own kind, generous, hearty nature, and his sympathy with all poor men, that led him straight to Scrooge's clerk's; for there he went, and took Scrooge with him, holding to his robe; and on the threshold of the door the Spirit smiled, and stopped to bless Bob Cratchit's dwelling with the sprinkling of his torch. christmas carol. What's the consequence? Have never walked forth with the younger members of my family; meaning (for I am very young) my elder brothers born in these later years? pursued the Phantom. This girl is Want. Bob Cratchit applauds from his cell and Scrooge threatens to fire him if he makes another sound. For his pretending not to know her, his pretending that it was necessary to touch her head-dress, and further to assure himself of her identity by pressing a certain ring upon her finger, and a certain chain about her neck, was vile, monstrous! He obeyed. "I wear the chain I forged in life. But they know me. The Ghost's brief life span of one day also reminds Scrooge, and the reader, that we must act quickly if we are to change the present. Bob Cratchit told them how he had a situation in his eye for Master Peter, which would bring in, if obtained, full five-and-sixpence weekly. Why does Scrooge's heart soften as he listens to the music? Precepts are principles that guide ones actions and thoughts. Wouldn't you?, You seek to close these places on the Seventh Day? said Scrooge. When Scrooge asks, the Ghost informs him that, unless the future is altered, Tiny Tim will die. `More than eighteen hundred, said the Ghost. His active little crutch was heard upon the floor, and back came Tiny Tim before another word was spoken, escorted by his brother and sister to his stool before the fire; and while Bob, turning up his cuffsas if, poor fellow, they were capable of being made more shabbycompounded some hot mixture in a jug with gin and lemons, and stirred it round and round and put it on the hob to simmer; Master Peter and the two ubiquitous young Cratchits went to fetch the goose, with which they soon returned in high procession. My life upon this globe is very brief, replied the Ghost. Scrooge's niece played well upon the harp; and played among other tunes a simple little air (a mere nothing: you might learn to whistle it in two minutes) which had been familiar to the child who fetched Scrooge from the boarding-school, as he had been reminded by the Ghost of Christmas Past. `A tremendous family to provide for. muttered Scrooge. The crisp leaves of holly, mistletoe, and ivy reflected back the light, as if so many little mirrors had been scattered there; and such a mighty blaze went roaring up the chimney, as that dull petrification of a hearth had never known in Scrooge's time, or Marley's, or for many and many a winter season gone. As the author describes Christmas morning in several paragraphs that follow, what are the people of London not doing? I made it link by link, and yard by yard;. 503 Words. Stave 2: The First of the Three Spirits. If you had fallen up against him (as some of them did), on purpose, he would have made a feint of endeavouring to seize you, which would have been an affront to your understanding, and would instantly have sidled off in the direction of the plump sister. Himself, always. A Christmas Carol: Annotation-Friendly Edition Ideal for . And bide the end!. Another meaning of the term cant is to sing. The terms double meaning not only influences the tone of the ghosts rebuke, but it also aligns with the continued metaphor of music. The Founder of the Feast indeed. cried Mrs Cratchit, reddening. Not affiliated with Harvard College. The Cratchits may not have the money (thanks to Mr. Scrooge) for an elaborate feast in beautiful glassware, but they are celebrating together nonetheless. Here's Martha, mother! said a girl, appearing as she spoke. Great heaps of sea-weed clung to its base, and storm-birdsborn of the wind one might suppose, as sea-weed of the waterrose, and fell about it, like the waves they skimmed. 7 clothing SPAN. Genius is the ultimate source of music knowledge, created by scholars like you who share facts and insight about the songs and artists they love. I made it link by link and yard by yard' (stave 2) - the chains symbolises his guilt and imprisonment - foreshadows what could happen to Scrooge if he does not change The sky was gloomy, and the shortest streets were choked up with a dingy mist, half thawed, half frozen, whose heavier particles descended in a shower of sooty atoms, as if all the chimneys in Great Britain had, by one consent, caught fire, and were blazing away to their dear hearts' content. The very lamplighter, who ran on before, dotting the dusky street with specks of light, and who was dressed to spend the evening somewhere, laughed out loudly as the Spirit passed: though little kenned the lamplighter that he had any company but Christmas! But when at last he caught her; when, in spite of all her silken rustlings and her rapid flutterings past him, he got her into a corner whence there was no escape; then his conduct was the most execrable. Displaying Annotated A Christmas Carol Stave 3.pdf. Annotated A Christmas Carol Stave 1.pdf. He dont lose much of a dinner.. While Scrooge may have resolved to participate more actively in his reclamation, he is terrified that he may fail, and what the consequence of such failure might be. It is a perennial favourite at Christmastime, when it is frequently broadcast on television. I went forth last night on compulsion, and I learnt a lesson which is working now. Which it certainly was. He's a comical old fellow, said Scrooge's nephew, that's the truth; and not so pleasant as he might be. The girl is want" "Beware them both" "Most of all beware this boy" Ghost of Christmas Present, Stave 3, he warns that if Scrooge doesn't change himself that "doom" will be in his future. God bless us.. File previews. Then up rose Mrs. Cratchit, Cratchit's wife, dressed out but poorly in a twice-turned gown, but brave in ribbons, which are cheap, and make a goodly show for sixpence; and she laid the cloth, assisted by Belinda Cratchit, second of her daughters, also brave in ribbons; while Master Peter Cratchit plunged a fork into the saucepan of potatoes, and getting the corners of his monstrous shirt collar (Bob's private property, conferred upon his son and heir in honour of the day) into his mouth, rejoiced to find himself so gallantly attired, and yearned to show his linen in the fashionable Parks. Apprehensive - hesitant or fearful Built upon a dismal reef of sunken rocks, some league or so from shore, on which the waters chafed and dashed, the wild year through, there stood a solitary lighthouse. "Every idiot who goes about with "Merry Christmas" on his lips should be boiled with his own pudding, and buried with a stake of holly through their heart." This quote shows us the readers, that Scrooge is a mean man, also it shows us how much