At 9pm that night Miss Cole had just put the children to bed when she heard a smashing sound. A 'dangerous' sex offender who was found sleeping rough in a Blackburn park following three days on the run has been jailed. He and Bullows will be sentenced on May 21. Westlund, of Clarendon Road East, Blackburn, was sentenced to 45 months in prison. As the pair were being arrested, Morris spat at a Lancashire Constabulary officer. Shamilia Tabassum was involved in selling on the cars. Lequesne is currently serving a sentence for rape after admitting last month to an attack on a woman in Southport. Although the victims were too young to fully understand what the defendant was doing to them, one did question what he was doing. Read about our approach to external linking. The row spilled outside the shop, where Neil Barnett squared up to one of the young men and used racist language, before walking away telling the youths "wait here, I'm coming back". There was also a strong smell of bleach in the property and there had been attempts to clean up the scene. When they searched the flat they found cocaine and diamorphine (heroin) as well as a number of Class B drugs and paraphernalia associated with the preparation and supply of drugs. Subsequent house searches in Preston uncovered further amounts of heroin and crack cocaine worth 270 and 900 cash. Detectives launched a murder inquiry and following investigation found Austin had been in dispute with Mr Wise on social media on the morning of the attack. He would take her phone from her and delete the messages. In a powerful victim impact statement, the girl told how she had been left suffering panic attacks and night terrors as a result of his despicable actions. They were both jailed for 40 months and handed a restraining order banning them from contacting the victim. He sat down again on the stairs to put his shoes on and was again ordered to leave the house. Leon Mansley, 34, of no fixed address, pleaded guilty to conspiracy to supply Class A (cocaine) and conspiracy to money launder. The court heard 47-year-old Hindle has previous convictions for robbery, possession of a bladed article, using an imitation firearm to evade arrest and battery. He suggested they meet.". At Preston Crown Court prosecutor Bob Sastry said: Mr Parkinson noticed damage to the rear French doors. Leam Tomlinson was arrested in the Waterfoot area over the weekend by officers from Rossendale Police. Check back for the latest news on convictions and trials in the UK and around the world. He pleaded guilty to attempted murder and was given a 16-year custodial sentence by Judge Heather Lloyd sitting at Preston Crown Court. Miss Hughes had previously been married to Philip Burgess between 2011 and 2016 and the couple have two children together. Speeding; fined 400, surcharge 40, costs 85, four penalty points. Two girls were raped by Wilding, who looked after children in Holly House on the complex, and another was indecently assaulted. The victims purse was also raided and her bank and store cards stolen. After an extensive investigation by Northamptonshire Police, four victims finally got justice at Northampton Crown Court after a jury found the paedophile guilty of the charges against him.. Police have now released an image of McKenna as he begins a 24 month sentence for causing serious injury by dangerous driving. A cyclist was left with 'life-changing injuries' after a collision involving two cars 'racing each other'. The gun thug then held the gun to Mr Baldwin's ankle and fired it, shattering his lower leg. Defending, Jim Smith said that Tidy had been pushed into small scale dealing to pay his own drug debts but was forced to complete a courier job after failing to do so. Jamie Dixon, 19 and Lemar Anthony Forbes, 17, have been jailed for life with a minimum of 19 years and life with a minimum of 15 years respectively for the murder of 16-year-old Sarmad Al-Saidi. Northampton He asked her for a hug but when she refused he pushed her against a post, forcibly kissed her and carried out a serious sexual assault. Further DNA evidence was found at the chip shop, again linking Powis to the crime. You can also correct any listing errors or omissions. Barnett then wanted revenge, the court heard. Macauley had pleaded guilty to possessing heroin with intent to supply just before his trial. Judge John Potter said he took account of the defendant's age and health difficulties and he acknowledged there had been 'positive parts to your character displayed by service to this country in the RAF'. The van stopped after hitting a kerb, the defendant got out and ran from the van and was eventually detained by a police dog.. He had also undergone a heart by-pass operation in 2008. We also may change the frequency you receive our emails from us in order to keep you up to date and give you the best relevant information possible. He added: "Life for us will never be the sameI cannot believe that I will never get to hug my mum again.". The assault took place in Blackburn town centre in Clayton Street, close to the Salvation Hostel, at around 4.30pm on April 26. The gang used cloned wireless key signals to open the car doors on the drive and then drive off, without having to enter the home to steal the keys. He then punched her in the stomach and she later said she was petrified. Northampton Crown Court judges adopted the scheme after it was successful in Aylesbury Crown Court. Prosecuting, Sarah Holt told Liverpool Crown Court: Thomas Bates had been on a night out with one of his friends. Watson was arrested on September 25 last year and police seized three mobile phones from him which contained evidence proving he had been responsible for the contact. When he was interviewed by police on November 1 last year, Parkin made no comment to officers. Edwards DNA was found on the inside of the mask, suggesting he had worn it at some point. Failed to give information relating to identification of driver suspected of an offence; fined 660, surcharge 66, costs 90, disqualified for six months due to repeat offending. The woman also explained that her fear of catching Covid-19 meant no-one else had entered the house for almost a year and that this safety was violated by Shaw and the officers who came to investigate. Eight-month-old Francesca Haworth died from asphyxiation after she was suffocated at an address in Blackpool in November 2018. "He entered a guilty plea and was immediately sentenced to six months imprisonment.". Alan Edwards, 48, of Blackburn Road, Darwen was found guilty of murdering Susan Waring who has been missing for more than two years. Five months later, he was sentenced to 24 months for those incidents - which both involved larger amounts of drugs - in October of last year but had still not been charged for this case. From being arrested and throughout his trial, Smith continued to plead his innocence. Two years suspended, Mark Jeal, 37, of Pilmuir Road, Blackburn. When Skinner was challenged about the transactions he admitted photocopying the victims card and using it to pay for some food orders, train tickets to Newcastle and Ed Sheeran concert tickets. Liam Farnworth, from Preston, committed burglaries in Greater Manchester and a warrant was issued for his arrest after the first incident in January last year. The judge also made a sexual harm prevention order banning him from going within 100m of any children's play area, and a restraining order. Defending, Daniel Travers said Elliott, of Lowcroft, had never been before Crown Court before and deeply regretted his involvement. The 28-year-old, of Pilmuir Road, Blackburn, appeared at Preston Crown Court where he was due to stand trial. A motorist led police on a high speed chase for almost an hour while high on cocaine. The court heard that the defendants were all connected with the Bully line - a fledgling local drug dealing operation - either as customers or part of the enterprise. A Blackpool man who repeatedly had sex with a 14-year-old girl has been jailed for six years. He also had a great love of history and as a younger man would often be found chatting with his Grandad about the war. No insurance; fined 333, surcharge 34, costs 85, six penalty points. I will murder you. He was taken to Blackpool Victoria Hospital with serious injuries. A drunk driver who drove at a police officer when he was told to stop has been jailed for 10 months. Criminal court records & sentencing information on Luke Benjamin Symmonds at Northampton Crown Court. Over recent months individuals charged as part of Operation Sark have been sentenced at Preston Crown Court, including six members of the Flash Line and Wigglesworth who were sentenced on August 17. Two men have been jailed for a combined total of 27 years and three months following a vicious attack on a man at a pub in Accrington. In a statement read by prosecutor Mary Loram QC, Marion's elder sister Helen said "Since Marion was murdered I have lost not only a much-loved sister but a best friend too.". During his conversations with the girls, Curran encouraged them to record sexual videos and photographs which he stored on his phone. Two men have been jailed for more than 22 years as part of a Lancashire Constabulary investigation into the supply of Class A drugs across the county. Sentencing him at Preston Crown Court, Recorder Daniel Prowse said he had "an appalling record" as he set out the latest incident - which saw a police officer leap out of the path of Palmer's oncoming vehicle to avoid being hit. Watch what will happen soon the end of whoredom. Evidence obtained from the covert operation established that Hussain was the leader of the OCG. Together you tried to lie, scheme and plot your way out of trouble. The Crown Court system was established by the Courts Act 1971, which came into force on 1 January 1972, following the recommendations of a royal commission chaired by Lord Beeching.Previously, criminal cases that were not dealt with by magistrates were heard by assize courts and courts of quarter sessions, in a system that had changed little in the preceding centuries. This was a persistent series of offences committed in clear breach of court orders, he added. John Parkinson, who also lives in Cork Road, was asleep in bed with his pregnant girlfriend when 24-year-old Stewart broke in. When a female PCSO went to detain him Gordon assaulted her by throwing her against a wall, into a bin and onto the floor. He was carrying 160 cash and two mobile phones, with a further 60 cash stashed in the centre console. He said: "It was clear to me then, and may still be the case now, that you were taken in by and to an extent radicalised by some of the nonsense you had seen on various websites and platforms, about the acts of extremist fundamentalist Muslim organisations. His blood was found on the steering wheel and gear stick of the car, which crashed a short distance away. Loop hearing facilities are available at the counters and in courtrooms. Stephen Crawford was jailed for a total of 22 months after appearing at Preston Crown Court. He was in the living room watching television when he was alerted by his son that someone was in the rear garden. The pair were brought back into custody in February 2020 and charged with conspiracy to supply cocaine, conspiracy to supply heroin, possession of ammunition and possession of a firearm for sale or transfer. During his interview, Shaw said he had earlier engaged in sexual activity with another woman but denied raping the victim. Mr Ashman was left lying injured in the street surrounded by horrified onlookers and Preston Crown Court heard that he faces six months of gruelling physiotherapy before hell be able to walk again. Police also discovered a green bag containing four plastic petrol canisters, each containing what is believed to be petrol, close to where Schofield was arrested. The gang were caught following an investigation codenamed Operation Awakening, by Merseyside Police, with the help of Cheshire and Lancashire forces. Swann, who pleaded guilty to fraud offences and failing to abide by the terms of the Sex Offenders Register, was jailed for a total of 58 weeks and two days. The court heard Major, along with two other defendants due to be sentenced, operated a mobile phone which sent out numerous mass text messages to known drug users in Blackpool. Mohammed Hussain, 32, pleaded guilty to possession with intent to supply heroin and crack after being caught red handed on October 14 2019. He is also required to take an extended re-test. The bag was recovered and found to contain around 2kg of cocaine - worth up to 80k as wholesale or up to 200,000 through street deals. On the date in question she was at home with the defendant at 9am, with their child and her two other children, she was serving them breakfast when she realised she had no milk so she asked the defendant to go and get some and he agreed. Matthew Cawston, 27, knew the woman and had called at her home to help with a domestic emergency. Ms Patton also went with them as she wanted to buy cigarettes. Police carried out further warrants on two further addresses including a garage on Burnley Road and Barritt Road in Rawtenstall and recovered nine firearms, ammunition, 15,000 of cash and Class C drugs with a street value of over 8,000. A man who turned to drug dealing after losing his job was caught by police twice in the space of a month. In that time, Doran, now of Canterbury Way, Netherton, had pummelled him in a fit of rage, also repeatedly striking the female though he initially claimed that she had only been injured by accident during the assault on Mr Bates. Police said the drugs were 'secreted down the front of his trousers'. One woman and 15 men will spend a total of 68 years and six months behind bars while seven more gang members were handed suspended sentences and provision orders. But the paedophile entered a long-term relationship with a woman who did not know this history and regularly stayed at the West Lancashire home she shared with her daughter. The East Stand at Northampton Town's Sixfields ground remains unfinished A council spokesman said: "We recovered three properties linked with the Cardozas, two of which have been sold for a total. The attackers, under the impression there was a large amount of money at the address, showed extreme levels of violence to try and get what they wanted making off with guns, cash, watches and jewellery, which have not been recovered. He refused to comment during interview. I carried on going round and getting off my head, which I thought was normal at the time," the girl said. She was rushed to hospital by paramedics after feeling her skin peel away. Find out how long Duff has been jailed for here. Brian Marshall, 46, of Robson Street, Everton, pleaded guilty to conspiracy to supply Class A Drugs cocaine, and was sentenced to 10 years. Following an appeal for witnesses to the attempted robbery, a member of the public contacted officers after finding Sculphers parka coat in some bins. She fears for her life because he knows the areas she lives, he added. One of Mr Fishers ribs was broken by the knife. Preston Crown Court heard how on March 10, Neil Barnett was involved in an altercation with a group of Asian youths and accused one of them of pushing into the queue at a shop in Brierfield, Pendle. He was sentenced to life and will serve a minimum of 14 years before he is considered for parole. However she said on one occasion she lost an entire day due to her intoxication and that she only realised when she saw a Snapchat message she had sent the day before. The judge said her behaviour was "all the more surprising" and "disappointing" given that at the time in a letter to him Webster said "the scales had fallen from her eyes". While in custody on this occasion he has been working hard; he was initially given a job in the kitchens and is now a cleaner which he says is a promotion. Stephen Hooten, 29, of Craigburn Road, Tuebrook, was sentenced to five years and two months for conspiracy to commit burglary and conspiracy to steal motor vehicles. He suffered fractures to his nose and eye socket, a bleed on the brain and a gash to his head which bled extensively. Two men from Rossendale have been jailed for more than 25 years for conspiracy to convert and supply firearms. Electronic Presentation of Evidence (EPE) facility. In December 2019 Watson, 37, was convicted of harassing Mr Burgess and Miss Hugh and was given a two-year restraining order. Stephen Boyne was arrested earlier this year after a woman approached police at a petrol station in Kirkham reporting a man was following her in a car. Several other cars and properties were targeted during the period, including two in one night, but were unsuccessful after the gang were disturbed by burglar alarms. He pleaded guilty before any trial, while Anthony Hill, Craig Reynolds and Dean Sanders denied involvement but were convicted by a jury of conspiracy to rob and having a firearm with intent. He eventually killed her in a drive-by shooting. The gangs head Usman Akhter controlled a "sophisticated network" bringing hundreds of kilos of cocaine and cannabis into the region. Failed to provide a specimen of blood; fined 80, surcharge 34, costs 40. Police were called to the Nuttall Street area of Accrington on August 22 last year to the reports a man had suffered a significant head injury. Counters are closed until further notice due to Covid pandemic. Neighbours called emergency services after seeing the flames and hearing Mrs Gregory screaming from her home in Levens Avenue, Heysham. Following consultation with the Crown Prosecution Service and with the permission of the Attorney General, Cranfield was charged with murder in April last year. "You carried out an appalling sexual assault on a little child. Austin was detained at the scene with Mr Wise walking a short distance back to the building site before collapsing and losing consciousness. As a result of that, he says, Christopher Hulme suffered an epilectic fit in the living room and was taken to hospital.. "She had combined with her academic studies with actions intended to advance the cause of victims and the oppressed. The terrified woman managed to run out of the house and jumped into a paddling pool in the garden in a bid to counter the risk of being set on fire. His trusted right-hand man was 25-year-old Hmaad Bashir who answered the phones and told street dealers where to go. Michael Fearnley, from Skelmersdale, blamed his shocking violence on the effect of drinking up to 10 pints while on a high dose of medication. For non-urgent matters, an appointment service is available. Mr Cullens body was discovered by a friend who knew he had been in hospital and called by for a visit. She heard banging as Downham ran down the stairs and left the property carrying what looked like a computer monitor under his arm. I am going to chop your hair off, you are getting acid in your face, even if I get 15 years. You know the upset burglaries cause, and the anxiety, to wake up and find out someone has been in your house. The pair would collect a delivery sent by Garnett and split the drugs between them to then sell on to users. The CCBC is a County Court Judgment bulk processing centre based in Northampton. Bowling, 55, of Higher Park Hill, Barrowford pleaded guilty to conspiring to supply cocaine, money laundering and failure to comply with Serious Crime Prevention Order. She was winding up Mr Hindle and that was done with the result that violence was a very likely outcome and that is the very real sense in which she caused the death. Three men have been jailed for a combined quarter of a century for their parts in plotting burglaries across the North West of England - stealing cars, cash and jewellery worth more than half a million pounds. Ms Smith said: "Of note is offending which gives an indication of an extremist mindset. Prior to the accident, she had previously been known as a highly successful dental therapist and business woman. Fear then walked in through the back door and began to attack her. Moxham, of Victoria Quay, had in May this year already pleaded guilty to taking indecent photos of the child and possession of indecent images. McLaughlin, of HMP Lancaster Farms, pleaded guilty to ABH. Juan Hernandez, 66, claimed he had terminal cancer and told his wife Alison he had returned to Spain after their 11 year marriage broke down in 2019. Mr Fishers sister Kirsty said in a statement that she was very angry and upset that his life has been taken away over a few bags of cannabis. The incident occurred in the early hours of December 25 2019, after Seery had attended a Christmas Eve gathering. It was there that the offender, 29-year-old Dara, subjected the woman to a serious sexual assault before violently assaulting her as she lay on the floor.