Arizona asked April if she thought Callie was ever going to forgive her, and April honestly told her that Callie was telling everyone at the gala that Arizona was dead, so she guessed not. [36], After having heard about Penny through Callie's stories, it was finally time for Arizona to meet her at the dinner party at Meredith's house. Mark then informed Arizona that Lexie died. Arizona came to the scrub room to inform her that she had missed the appointment, and Callie apologized. She informed Bailey on the disease, who was actually just playing stupid to make Arizona feel comfortable at work again. She thought it would make them stronger as a couple. GA: 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, and 14 Arizona took her to work and put her in the daycare for the day. He helped her fly. After the interview, Emma asked Arizona how long she and Callie have been divorced, and while playing with her necklace, Arizona admitted that she didn't think they were, saying they were more more just separated than divorced. They moved closer and hugged, and as the lights fell out due to the storm, they kissed each other in the dark. [22], Arizona started off a sexual relationship with Leah and they agreed it would just be sex. Grandfather You When Arizona found her and asked if they could have sex, Eliza said she needed to pack her things since she was fired, leaving Arizona speechless. Arizona started sniping that she didn't need to be there, as Callie was there and that Callie took other decisions for her, too, like the one to cut off her leg. Before he left, he told her Callie was trying too. At the end of the evening, Callie and Arizona started fighting again at their apartment. Leah asked Arizona to treat her with more respect. She came from a military family, her father being a Colonel in the United States Marine Corps. "Going, Going, Gone" picks up While talking with Kimmie about their marriages where one of the partners cheated, Kimmie revealed that she and her husband just hope things will get better as they don't feel the need to talk it to death. Leah planned to scrub in on a surgery with Arizona, which was observed by Emma, but Arizona said the OR was full and sent Leah away. Protect the things I love." WebPlot. Arizona walked over to Bailey, and when she saw the chart, she came up with a possible diagnosis. Arizona then mentioned that Eliza had made a big mistake leaving Arizona's name off the list of good teachers. Arizona agreed to continue to work with her without telling anyone else. Arizona didn't seem to mind and let go of their agreement when she offered to have breakfast together, but Leah left as she wanted to show Arizona she was serious about being easy peasy. When head pediatric surgeon Jordan Kenley died, Arizona was promoted to department head and took over Dr. Kenley's cases. However, the back end of the small plane broke off, leading it to crash in the woods and even though Arizona survived, as a result of her injuries, her leg had to be amputated. Did Arizona Robbins lose her leg in real life? Greys Anatomy: Jessica Capshaws character, Arizona Robbins, had a mostly real prosthetic leg. Although initially she was not happy about this development, she decided she was in. That evening, Arizona was nervous about meeting Penny at the dinner party and started drinking excessively to ease her nerves. Eliza insisted that the list was only made to help her remember everyone's names. They then realize that them trying to talk with each other so much may be the problem, and they kiss each other passionately.[27]. "Sometimes we try to make things better and we have actually no idea that we're actually causing more pain," Arizona said, clearly also talking about Callie trying to fix her. but instead he asked her "Are you still who I raised you to be?". Later on, Arizona tried to tell Callie how she felt about the miscarriage. That led her to make the decision that Sofia needed to move back to New York and she needed to go with her.[68]. The feud with April was solved when they worked together on Jenny Parker, a pregnant teen who refused to tell her mother about the pregnancy. When Arizona was asking Jerry about the 4 hours he mentioned earlier, a helicopter passed over the woods, and she screamed along with the others, but it didn't help. It led her to be patriotic as well as loyal and dedicated in her adult life, especially to her family. Arizona blames Callie for making her decisions. However, Callie responded that she had spent the last 30 days feeling free, doing more and feeling better. "You know who's like that? Annoyed, Callie confronted her, but the situation was made more awkward after she discovered that Arizona was on a date with a woman named Julie. Eliza thanked her and then they hugged. Status [61], After they'd been seeing each other for a while, Eliza told Arizona she was ready for them to have sex. On the night of the fundraising gala, Arizona Robbins and April Kepner bonded over drinks in the hospital storage closet. However, at the party, April overheard Callie tell everyone that Arizona died in the plane crash they were in. [46] As April continued to be mad, Arizona found herself in the middle of other people's situation again when Callie lied to Penny and told her that Arizona was not comfortable with her meeting Sofia. She then turns her back towards Callie again, while Callie left her alone.[5]. In the end, Arizona and Callie end up divorcing. [10], While waiting for Bailey to come to the wedding after the surgery, Callie assured Arizona that her comment to Bailey was just a joke, but this made Arizona think about their marriage. After seeing Callie at the fundraising gala, Arizona escaped back to the hospital, where she hid in a supply closet to cry. The hospital decided to settle, while Callie decided to fight the allegations. When Callie joined Arizona in surgery, she told her wife that it was a good thing for her, as the goal of the research was to get Arizona a leg that's as sensitive and responsive as the leg she lost. However, a fight at the airport resulted in Arizona leaving for Africa without Callie. [40], After the failed attempt, she and Richard continued their nights out to the lesbian bar. Callie tried to cheer her up, but it didn't really work. This would mean the hospital had to pay the awards for the doctors itself, but since there wasn't enough money to do so, the hospital would go bankrupt.[12]. Alex couldn't understand how she could be so perky after harvesting organs from a young child. Not knowing that Callie was staying at Meredith's with Sofia, Arizona went back to the hospital and tried to get someone to page Callie 911, as Callie didn't reply to Arizona's pages. [31] Dr. Herman stated that in that time, she would teach Arizona everything she knows for none of her knowledge is written down in books and she wanted her knowledge to be known so it could save more lives. She also surprised Sofia with three different flavors of ice cream. Arizona said that she was back, but not to be Callie's whipping boy and then demanded to sleep in the bed again. [8], On Arizona's first day back at work, Callie urged everyone not to make a big deal out of it and unbeknownst to Arizona, she put Heather Brooks on wheelchair duty, so Arizona would have a wheelchair nearby when she wanted to sit down. At the time of her first appearance, Arizona was a cheerful and bubbly person, waking up happy every day. She initially dismissed it as just fine, but he insisted to hear more so he could improve his wingman project. First While the others went away, Arizona sat up and tore open her pants, revealing she had an open femur fracture. WebThe episode was originally broadcast on the American Broadcasting Company (ABC) in the United States on May 17, 2012. He told Arizona that the guy she trained and raised was still there since he was determined to work at the clinic to get his job back rather than quitting. Callie Torres (ex-wife) While she was out in the woods, Alex left her a message to tell her that he chose to go to Hopkins to see if he was something without her around. She later assured Andrew she didn't want him to move out of the house and expressed support for him. WebHow did Arizona Robbins die? Her reasons were metaphorical: she deals mostly with newborns at work; she does not want to deal with them in her personal life, but she claimed "[she is] super flattered. They called a sitter for Sofia and went to the dinner, where Callie celebrated that Arizona stood up for 5 hours and that they were all still alive. Six months after the shooting, Arizona received word that she had been given the Carter Maddison Grant, and was allowed to go to Malawi and become a doctor there. Arizona also walked slower with her walking stick than other doctors, like Alex, who could still run. [16], After Callie made the comment about having lost her, Arizona was left speechless as an angry Callie left the room. Arizona didn't deny she was a cheater, and explained that she cheated because Lauren stared at her too, but in a different way. They agreed to go get a drink together afterward. As they began to work together more frequently, they got closer and became less hostile towards each other. However, Bailey soon realized that Arizona is a competent doctor and grew closer to her after applying for a peds fellowship. The dislike grew in the OR where Arizona said that it was a miracle that Jackson was still alive, as he should've been on the transplant list a year ago. When Callie started talking about how great her girlfriend was and how they connected, Arizona asked her to dial down the enthusiasm a little and advised her to read the room before opening her mouth. [63], Eliza "ghosted" Arizona, not replying to her messages and moving out of her apartment without saying a word to Arizona about it. When she returned to Seattle, she was confronted with Andrew's bruised up face. Arizona apologized, but Lauren made no big deal out of it and just took Arizona's coffee instead. The four people killed in a jet crash near San Diego were the pilots and two flight nurses who were heading back to their home base after flying a patient from She assured Arizona she could see Sofia whenever she wanted and then got paged away, leaving a shocked Arizona. Alive While Bailey confessed to Callie that she may have pushed Arizona too hard, they saw her walking in the hallway. While April initially still refused to tell Jackson, she finally realized she needed to do it before he found out from someone else. They would do it like that for unknown time. Greys Anatomy has had its fair dose of tragedies, and one of the most unforgettable ones is the plane crash, which saw the death of two beloved characters, while the rest struggled to recover physically and mentally. Siblings Arizona made it clear to Leah that she and Callie were trying to repair their marriage and assured her that it didn't have to be awkward between the three of them. They soon started to look through several sperm donors and eventually decided on an Ivy League poet, smart and creative. Callie accepted it and Arizona asked her out again and after pretending not to be interested for a few seconds, Callie accepted. [1], Seattle Grace Mercy West Hospital was asked by another hospital at Boise to send over a couple of surgeons to assist the surgeons at Boise with a surgery to separate conjoined twins, a surgery the doctors in Seattle had successfully completed earlier that year. When Arizona finally arrived in the ER, April and Alex had already taken the kid to CT. After surgery, Arizona was so proud of herself for getting through the day and completing the surgery that she put all her weight on her left foot, which caused her to fall down. Impressed by Lauren's skills, Callie whispered to Arizona that she was a little bit in love with Lauren, and Arizona awkwardly smiled. The now happy again couple went to look at a house with a pool and a swing set, where Arizona started dreaming of the life she and her family could have there. [41] Arizona was the first one to find out about April's pregnancy after her divorce to Jackson. While she was in the hospital trying to fight the infection in her leg, she mentioned that she was still very much "pissed off" and stated that she felt as though Karev should have been in the crash rather than herself, because she spent the whole time thinking about her wife and her baby and he had no wife and no baby; he had no one. Callie soon decided to ask her out, but Arizona declined the offer after finding out Erica was Callie's first girlfriend. When Callie had the chicken pox, Arizona snooped through. During the surgery, Leah came in, ready to scrub in. They passionately kissed in happiness. Up until that day, she thought she'd screwed up the one great love of her life. She suggested that they do a ladies' night. Furious at this, she took two bottles of champagne and met Arizona in the hospital storage closet where she was hiding to share a drink and talk. Arizona proposed to have Sofia choose between her astronaut costume and Callie's princess costume, but Callie thought it wasn't worth the fight and told Arizona she could take Sofia to the party at Meredith's. She clarified she really wants to fix the relationship that she had broken, while Callie wants to fix her. They would joke about how they looked at each other up on the internet and knew all about each other. Eliza told her to be quiet and kissed her. Professional Information However, that evening, when Eliza went to find Arizona, she was asleep on the couch. When under pressure and in trouble, Arizona smokes cigarettes. She is also on a first name basis with the Head of Pediatric Surgery at Johns Hopkins, as she studied under him during her residency. "Then great, stick out your leg and I will go grab a bone saw and let's even the score!" She then turned to Callie and suggested they have a second baby, as it would be nice to have something new and happy to think about. At work. Arizona was paged to Meredith's room, where Meredith told her that Callie and Sofia were at her house. She genuinely cares for her patients and their relatives. During their first attempt, they kissed on day 10 and had to re-start. She told him that she was fighting a losing battle. Owen then promised he would help her to figure it out. When Arizona decided she needed to move herself and Sofia back to New York, she ended things with Carina. Arizona then went back into her hotel room, where she asked a naked Leah to get dressed and leave right now. While she kept on talking about how good the settlement would be for them, Arizona ignored her and didn't respond, and even pulled away when Callie tried to make physical contact with her. On her first day at the hospital, the only person Teddy knew was Owen. A year later, Arizona resumes her position as the head pediatric surgeon. When Mark asked Teddy out, Teddy confided in Arizona, who suggested that Mark was like candy: eat it and forget about it. With fake promises to deliver the patient's chart, she managed to get Arizona walking to the door of her apartment. Callie thought she was trying to pick a fight and said that they both lost the baby. Lauren then asked to get coffee before the surgery, but Arizona said she had other things to do. They discovered they studied under the same surgeon, which made Lauren allow Arizona to do part of the surgery. However, Arizona had an infection in her leg that she could have died from if she didn't cut off the leg. On the morning of Halloween, Leah wakes up in Arizona's hotel bed. Arizona then jokingly said goodbye to her glass of wine. She noticed the skating made the kids feel at ease, too. He took a look at her residual limb, commenting that it was healing well as there was no scar tissue. Super." At the hospital, Leah gets bit in the neck by a drug addict and is tested for HIV. An emotional Leah said it was her fault and apologized for having misunderstood as she tried to hold back her tears. She was very flirtatious with Arizona, who happily flirted back. She told Arizona that Arizona promised to allow her to scrub in on the surgery on the night of the gala. M.D., F.A.C.S. Arizona then decided to explain that sometimes she doesn't always make the right choice under pressure and that she was wrong. After witnessing Sofia leave with a happy Callie and Penny, Arizona took to Lucinda Gamble herself to start a custody battle over Sofia as she refused to let Callie move across the country with her daughter. Instead of making her go to school, Arizona took Sofia to work with her, where Sofia met Noah Brosniak, the son of a patient, and the two played together while Arizona examined Noah's mom. Callie then went to Arizona's hotel room, and told her that she got that Arizona made one mistake. Arizona yelled at her, believing she was spying for Callie, before leaving. Appearances In surgery, Arizona asked Alex about his strategy to get away from someone who gets way too attached after a one-night stand, which wasn't even a real one-night stand. Workplace However, at the end of the night, Arizona said she didn't want to pretend, because Eliza's nice and funny and people should know that. Arizona reached out to Nicole once when Nicole attended "Blind School," but Nicole didn't pick up or call back, leaving Arizona to give up trying to initiate contact. When she returned to work, she and Alex maintained their friendship and working relationship with Alex looking out for her. After being kicked out Callie and Arizona both agree couples therapy would be the best option. Days after, Arizona came to pick up Sofia at Callie's. When her period was one day late and her breasts started to hurt, Arizona took a pregnancy test and found out that she was in fact pregnant. He urged her to think about Sofia, who was too important to do something that could not be undone. Teddy then made it clear to Cristina that she had to what she said, and left. [17], Later that evening, Arizona found Callie and asked her to have a conversation. In the aftermath of the plane accident, in which Sloan and Lexie Grey were killed, the hospital is sued and eventually found liable for negligence. Wish You Were Here Feeling uncomfortable, Arizona quickly left with Sofia. While walking to the ER, Arizona noticed Heather with the wheelchair and asked if she could help her, but Heather talked herself out of it with an excuse. They ordered champagne to eat with the cupcakes while watching an old movie together. Arizona had to bribe her in order to get her to go to school. Roller girlRoller skate girlPhoenixYumaTucsonTempeFlagstaffScottsdaleSedonaDr. Grandparents However, April refused to have her baby tested, convinced he or she would turn out okay. Arizona made up an excuse and told April she was fine, but started crying again as soon as April left the room. They kissed, but Arizona then said she wanted to take her leg off first while Callie waited in the bathroom, as she wanted the evening to be all about sexy and taking off her prosthetic leg wouldn't be so sexy. Arizona confessed she only vaguely remembered the grilled cheese, and Leah then asked her to go back to the part where she said she was pretty, making Arizona smile in embarrassment. [45] April was furious at her. [33], After Alex moved out and sold the house back to Meredith, Arizona had to move out. You have screwed dozens of interns, and you got them all fired. Arizona didn't mention who she slept with, though Callie figured it out later in surgery when Leah made a mistake and desperately begged Arizona to step in and help her. Eventually, both Arizona and Mark made up and together with Callie, the three raised Sofia together until Mark's death. He was also the one who supported her most during the custody battle and convinced her not to give up. When the lights came back on, Arizona pushed Lauren off and walked towards the door, saying she couldn't do this. At work, Arizona walked in on Callie and Penny getting intimate in a supply closet. Arizona then closed the door and the cab drove off. She asked Bailey to start thinking about Jackson instead of her, as he needed all the time he could get. She suggested that she carry the baby this time and a surprised and enthusiastic Callie agreed. Callie didn't tell her because she knew Arizona would hate her and she wanted her to have someone to lean on. Later, Callie came to apologize for jumping the gun, but Arizona told her about the Barton School calling her. Leah eventually told her fellow residents that she was having something with Arizona. [49], Arizona met up with Callie, who was excited about moving to New York and shared school brochures of New York schools, for which they would need to apply if Sofia were to move to New York. Biographical Information As she wasn't sure their relationship would survive that, Arizona pointed out there were plenty of ways to make it work if she wanted it to work. After seeing the baby's heartbeat for the first time, Arizona referred to the baby as "theirs.". When Eliza forgot to alert the authorities that Stephanie went missing during the hospital lockdown and explosion, Bailey fired her. Arizona gave her Norman McCale's number, saying he'd totally agree with her plan. She argued Sofia's life was in Seattle. Lexie was crushed by a piece of the plane, severely injuring her pelvis, legs, and left arm. On the day of April's wedding, Callie and Derek started the second phase of their research. Arizona walked away and discussed the problem with Richard, who understood her urge to protect herself but also exemplified April and Jackson's turbulent situation, caused by overreactions and misunderstandings. You should know Arizona Robbins died on December 1, 2006. Bailey said there was no need to snap, but Arizona found there was. They started flirting somewhat, until Jackson entered the scrub room too. Eliza told her that she only wanted to compliment her on implementing her new teaching method, by allowing Leah to intubate the baby unsupervised. [42] As she tried to steer April towards telling Jackson, Richard inquired Arizona about the woman she had left the bar with. Arizona and Callie were forced to work together on a victim of the mudslide caused by the storm, much to Callie's dislike. However, the back end of the small plane broke off, leading it to crash in the woods and even though Arizona survived, as a result of her injuries, her leg had to be amputated. After Carina made a comment about moving countries at the drop of a hat, Arizona asked her if she was just going to leave suddenly and end their relationship. Callie yelled back that she did so to save Arizona's life. That sparked a little bit of jealousy in Arizona, but she told Callie she could still always talk to her. While Callie was ranting over how Sofia lost a parent and she lost her best friend, Arizona turned towards Callie. Arizona asked her to take a step back and pointed out she never said yes to the plan. Arizona then asked if Callie wanted the badge of honor and the warrior wounds for having survived the plane crash. She did it in college, in med school, and when she first got her job at Seattle Grace. Arizona made Callie promise that she would not cut her leg off and Callie agreed. However, the two ended up making out on a different occasion, causing Leah to become somewhat obsessed with Arizona (much like she did with Alex). They later agreed to get drinks. When Arizona won a grant to advance pediatric surgery in less developed countries, she gave her notice and resigned. Arizona then put her flat shoe on her prosthetic foot and they left for the wedding, where they waited for Bailey. Arizona Robbins Inside the Later in the cafeteria, Arizona tried to ask Alex to testify for her, which he promptly rejected, as he considered both Callie and her as friends. After completing her residency at Johns Hopkins Hospital, Arizona was hired as a surgical fellow at Seattle Grace Hospital's pediatric surgery department. Mark and Cristina both suggested that she lie and say she broke up with Arizona, but after Arizona approached her and told her that she loved how Callie cared so much about things and wouldn't care if Callie lied, Callie decided not to lie because her family should accept her. Arizona then asked if their relationship was just a fling and it had run its course and Callie told her that it probably was. As the lights flickered back on, Arizona pushed her off, saying that she couldn't do that. When Mark died 30 days later, Callie went into her bedroom, where Arizona was just sitting in bed, and she told Arizona that she couldn't keep doing things alone. [53], Arizona traveled to New York to help Sofia get settled with Callie and Penny. Timothy Robbins Arizona later approached Callie and Callie told her the real reason was because she didn't have the money for four-star restaurants anymore but Arizona told her that they could stay in and eat sandwiches. Before walking away, she told Arizona she hoped she'd see her around, charming Arizona. When Callie finds out she is furious she ends up kicking her out of the house. What happened to mark on Greys Anatomy Season 9? As the chart wasn't there, Arizona was angry and called Bailey, who promised her to check with happened with the chart. Later, he was putting plaster bandages on Arizona's residuum when Callie came in, thinking Arizona would be ready. Trying for Another Baby, Counseling, and Separation, You Can Look (But You'd Better Not Touch), No Good at Saying Sorry (One More Chance), I Always Feel Like Somebody's Watchin' Me, I Like You So Much Better When You're Naked, Everything I Try to Do, Nothing Seems to Turn Out Right, Who Lives, Who Dies, Who Tells Your Story.