Mid-air collision of two HU-1s about 1-1/2 mi E of Elba while on a tactical training flight from Ft Rucker. PAGE AIRCRAFT A/C crashed 2 miles from Matteson Range on Ft Rucker in heavy thunderstorms while on a routine mission. USAAVNS [Need Tail#] The fire, located 10 miles south of the Canadian border just outside New York's Adirondack Park, began on July 12. [Need Tail#] SP4 Charles S. Walker [CE] Its mission is to develop, acquire, field, and sustain equipment that improves the combat. CPT Edward F. Roe II [SP] B/1/228 AVN A/C had just left Toledo-Winlock airport enroute to Issaquah when it failed to clear a hill about 3 mi N of the airport. A/C exploded and crashed near Wicksburg while on a training flight from Ft Rucker. UH-1 Vietnam Losses }-> 1972-73 ~ 1971 ~ 1970 ~ 1969 ~ UH-1H 2LT Michael P. Scott 101 AVN Investigation revealed A/C was approx 900 lbs overweight for density altitude at takeoff point. #69-15449 CPT Charles W. Worley [P] A/C impacted ground nose low and in left-bank attitude. Crew tried to maintain VMC in IMC. P was killed when his bullet proof seat back severed an artery in his neck. UH-1M. #69-15925 DEP Roy A. Chester-LA Co A/C hit a tall pine tree, flew approx 100 yds parallel to highway before crashing into a grove of trees in heavy fog, burst into flames 200 yds off US Hwy 27 in Harmony Church area. #63-8760 USAAVNS SGT Brian R. Meuchel [CE]. UH-1V Mid-air collision with another Huey 5 mi south of Samson near the Alabama-Florida line while on a training flight from Ft Rucker. HU-1A Crash occurred at approx 2355 hrs near Shaw Mountain on the NW portion of Ft Hood. SP4 Thomas E. Heaverin [MO] [Need Tail#] UH-1H Exact cause of stress corrosion could not be determined. A/C crashed in Clark Hill Reservoir in 50' of water 300 yards from shore near Plum Branch. The following pages will list only those individuals who have lost their lives #69-15324 A/C from Ft Lewis crashed and burned after it struck power lines about 8 miles N of Ellensburg, near the Reecer Creek area while reconnoitering for Exercise Coulee Crest. [Need Tail#] SGT Todd W. Smit Shortly after takeoff at approx 0025 hrs, A/C suffered engine failure at 300-500' AGL. UH-1D 1700 hours. After 48 minutes into the flight, A/C flew over Nowlin Lake at approx 20' AGL passing close to a boat, climbed, then descended and proceeded on a northerly course flying about 50' above the water where it hit powerlines. UH-1M HU-1A A/C exploded in flight and crashed about 6 mi E of Elba off Alabama 189. UH-1H UH-1 Visibility was poor with ceilings estimated at 400-600'. PFC Alan G. Mandes WOC Malcolm H. Littman Jr. [Need A/C Unit] A/C lost power, made a low-altitude, 180-deg turn back to landing area, bled off rotor RPM and crashed nose low into a field in East Finley Township during flight test at approx 1250 hours. A/C hit trees and crashed in swampy area. CIV Jules W. Des Jardins Heavy fog was reported in the area at the time of the crash. It broke up on impact and sank, leaving a fuel fire on the surface. 55 AVN A/C crashed 9 miles east of Eufaula while participating in a training exercise with the Ranger Department of Ft Benning Infantry School due to engine failure on low level gunnery training run. Although not the focus of EMU INC., they deserve at least a brief mention: . A/C crashed in dense fog around 0003 hours EDT near Yarmouth on a combined passenger delivery and training missing from Providence to Camp Edwards. SFC Juan R. Guerra Medevac acft crashed and burned at Salt Lake City International Airport at approx 2146 hours on the Army's portion of the airport's west ramp. PFC Mark R. Welch [CE] The soldiers had been conducting A/C observed entering cloud, reappeared in steep descent, pulled out and climbed back into cloud then steep descent. A/C was RTB from a training flight at night due to deteriorating weather when it crashed, under power into heavily wooded area near Lake Tholocco approx 4nm NE of airfield. [Need Tail#] Their blades meshed producing the mid-air. Crew was initiating a missed approach but airspeed was slow and A/C descended in a slight turn, hitting trees and coming to rest on right side. UH-1H UH-1H 53 AVN DET [Need Tail#] The Sky's no limit. A/C crashed at approx 1145 hrs at Ft Polk during pilot check ride performing hydraulics off landing. SP4 Douglas Lee Adams [CE] There was a miscommunication between construction workers and the pilot that the load was detached, however as the A/C began to depart, the stress from the load caused the A/C to turn upside down, crashing to the ground nose first. A/C was peforming a maintenance test flight with crew of 3 and 3 PAX when it crashed near the base dental clinic near the intersection of 52nd St and Kansas Ave on Ft Campbell at approx 1030 hrs. Accidentally shot when M-60 in cargo area discharged while preparing to move a downed Huey crew from Hill 422 to Chu Lai. ELLENVILLE, N.Y. - A day of routine training to employ water buckets with military helicopters turned into a real-world firefighting mission for two New York Army National Guard UH-60 crews on Tuesday.The 10 Soldiers, based at Albany International Airport,, ELLENVILLE, N.Y. - A day of routine training to employ water buckets with military . #72-21559 [Need Tail#] CW2 Roger D. Given [P] USNTPS CW2 Paul S. Timmer Jr [P] Updates ongoing as research is completed. B/227 AHB PFC Carl L. Brown SSG David G. Rayborn [MO]. A/C rolled and tumbled a distance of 130' until coming to rest on its right side on a heading of 225 deg, approx 530' downstream from the wires. A/C crashed in a field near Allen Stagefield near Wicksburg at approx 1510 hours while on a routine student pilot training mission. Chalk 1 continued straight and level, hitting the ground in an almost level attitude, slid 326' before coming to rest upright. A/C crashed between Elba and New Brockton on a training flight from Ft Rucker. UH-1D CW2 Eular M. Young [P] #65-9436 [Need Tail#] A/C crashed in Lake Tahoe at approx 1618 hrs during a flight with an unauthorized civilian PAX onboard. CW2 Jules S. Guidry [PP] DAC William L. Kinsey [CE]. 1SG Solon B. UH-1B 1LT Glenn W. Whitcher* [P] B/158 AVN Struck by an RPG in LZ Airborne. 36 MED DET (MAST) USAAVNS Two aircraft involved were trailing. A/C crashed on the downwind leg at Toth stagefield during full faced NVG training. (Army) Army aircrews are going to. The M/R blades and xmsn were torn loose before ground impact. Cause was determined to be explosive engine failure as the result of corrosion of the #1 bearing. #66-16032 & UH-1B #66-16055 CW2 James R. Harbeson [P] UH-1H #68-16487 UH-1 10 injured. A/C was making power recovery from simulated forced landing, experienced severe vertical vibration, crashed and burned near Elba on flight from Ft Rucker. Sticker. WO1 Eric D. Funderburg [P] [Need A/C Unit] (Ft Carson based) Pilot attempted VFR into IFR weather by pilot not instrument qualified under direction from demanding officer. [Need A/C Unit] Vietnam Gear investigates the development of the U.S. Army's aircrew body armor from the 1962 heavyweight pilots shield through to the 1971 lightweight Nomex mesh back vest. A/C was chalk #4 in a 4-aircraft ferry flight from CCAD to CA. A/C was attempting emergency landing after experiencing engine trouble. SP5 Everett W. Wancura CW2 George J. Reynolds [P] [Need Tail#] UH-1 UH-1H SP5 Gerald Rybacki [MO]. A portion of the M/R blade went into the left side of the cabin and struck victim in the head. UH-1D 1LT Peter J. [Need Tail#] [Need Tail#] UH-1H [Need Tail#] 229 MED DET UH-1H #66-16623 WOC Lee A. #66-16704 [OH-58A Involved], PFC Michael E. Whittle [C] A/C crashed in a grassy field near Wicksburg, about 10 mi from Dothan, while on a NVG training mission from Ft Rucker. *PVT Chatwin died 7 days later of injuries. #69-15013 UH-1 #65-10006 CW2 Donald D. Bryant [PI] UH-1 [Need A/C Unit] No - mayday was heard; crash attributed to unknown inflight breakup. SP5 George A. Minter [CE]. CE injured. [Need Tail#] [Need Tail#] CH-146 helicopter from Take on Helicopter in military, medical, civilian, police variant. The impact scattered debris for about 100 yds, and the tail section and engine were separated from the fuselage. WO1 Desmond P. Downey Jr [CP] UH-1H Accident caused by material failure of collective pitch sleeve lock. A/C was on a night mission supporting Project MASSTER when it went inadvertant IMC departing Pipeline Gunnery Range on Ft Hood at 0200 hrs and crashed about 600 yds from takeoff point near the Dalton Mountain helipad. A/C crashed at approx 1832 hrs in a windstorm less than 1 mile W of the airfield. A/C crashed into Eklutna Glacier north of Anchorage during a routine training mission. A/C crashed after striking a tree during a routine training exercise conducting an air mobile assault field test with 82 ABN PAX at Ft Stewart. UH-1H UH-1D PFC Homer Dawson [Need Tail#] M/R blades meshed and both exploded upon impact near King's Pond. CIV Max Keister. 4-228 AVN 1 CAV Another A/C on the same flight landed near the scene of the crash. #66-16931 CW3 Norman B. Lowe [PP] After pulling [Need Tail#] UH-1H Shaft sheared from coupling after seizure. A/C crashed and burned in the Santa Rita mountains about 5 miles from Sonoita while taking part in exercise Cloud Gap (classified research project). 2LT Harold W. Esselstein [P] #69-15436 A/C crashed at approx 0550 hours during a rain storm near the NE fringe of San Antonio after dropping off an automobile wreck victim at a local hospital. Probably cause was inverted or near-inverted attitude during bad weather causing severe rotor flapping and subsequent mast separation. CW2 Clarence L. Benoit [CP] DEP James D. McSweeney-LA Co P & 5 PAX injured. UH-1B 237 MED [Need A/C Unit] (NH ARNG) UH-1H USAAVNS Other aircraft were able to avoid wires. USAAVNS A/C was lead in a formation flight of 5 UH-1s which had completed three troop insertions and were RTB when A/C struck three 3/4" seven-strand powerlines at approx 175' AGL, severing control tubes and crashed near Pocheon at approx 1301 hrs. #67-17423 At approximately 1527 hours, a UH1B armed helicopter on a CA mission crashed and burned in the vicinity of coordinates BR837005. 193 AVN 374 AA (USAR) B/158 AVN BN Suspect cause of the crash was due to red blade PC link fatigue failure. Killed during a rocket attack standing near his Huey while Troop was staging at Kontum Airfield. One common thread I have noted in offline discussions with other servicemembers, regardless of branch of service, whether inside oroutside Army Aviation is that my fellow crewmembers . UH-1B A/C crashed in a near level attitude about 8 miles SE of Bishop. Mid-air over Dorret's Run firing range at Ft Knox during the final dress rehearsal for a demonstration for West Point cadets, etc. A/C flew into the trees on a moonless night 5 mi SW of Andalusia, while conducting a low-level navigation course at Ft Rucker 8 days before the scheduled graduation of class 71-41. WOC Lowell A. #63-8806 SP4 David G. Cowan [CE]. SPC Frederick E. Lawrence. P & 5 PAX injured. SFC Ward A. Cornell 15 injured. Rose [P] #71-20284 Approx 2 min after takeoff, 4nm NW of airfield, A/C struck an 80' tree, 59' above the ground and traveled another 345' as it descended through a heavily wooded area, striking several more trees before ground impact. A/C was flying from the unit's barracks at Baumholder to the Army training grounds at Grafenwoehr, when it lost its T/R, crashed and burst into flames in a garden on the edge of a sugar beet field near Unteralterheim. [Need Tail#] UH-1 SP4 Ray Duda [CE]. A/C crashed at approx 1815 hrs in woods 3 mi north of Ozark during a training flight. USAAVNS Investigation revealed that IP allowed student pilot to put the A/C in an attitude from which it was impossible to recover. WO1 Dennis L. Knoll [CP] PFC Jaff J. Decker [CE] WO1 Paul A. Holley [P] UH-1 104 TRN DIV (WA USAR) UH-1H [Need Tail#] SP5 Harvey J. Salas [MO]. PFC Dennis J. Disselhorst UH-1H A/C crashed and burned at approx 0900 hrs while on a paratrooper training mission at drop zone located on the Kentucky-Tennessee line on Ft Campbell. SGT Kosta T. Milisis [C] A/C shed the xmsn cowling, then removed the M/R control tubes. #64-13696 UH-1B USAAVNS #593 CW3 Clarence P. Burkett Jr [P] A/2/126 AVN (NY ARNG) 25 AVN BN CW2 Stephen B. Maas [P] UH-1 Pilot was performing a second ILS approach when A/C traveled 3/10 nm past the runway approach end, turned approx 180 deg. WOC George W. Foreman [SP] CW2 David W. Sawin [P] CW3 Geoffrey L. Nett [P] Spring pin in fuel control failed because of stress corrosion, resulting in power loss. Edward L. Burkhaulter [IP] Lead aircraft spotted the OH-58, but failed to report its position to remaining flight taking off and getting in position. WO1 Lawrence D. Topel [P] 2LT Andrew W. Stocker [P] UH-1H UH-1 CE injured. CW2 Robert E. Goebel [CP] Employed as troop transports, Medevac aircraft, and gunships, the Huey transformed the battlefield in Southeast Asia. SGT Daniel R. Deyarmin Once testing is completed and UIPE Air 2PUG is approved, it will be fielded to all U.S. Air Force, Navy, Marine Corps and Army aircrews across fixed wing, rotary wing, ejection seat and large frame aircrafts. LTC James M. Basile (USAF) The DOD. Flying conditions at the time were described as marginal with a heavy cloud cover from 700' to 9,000'. Visibility was 3 mi with light rain and fog. At 1426 hrs while flying at approx 75' AGL and 90 KIAS and approx 7000m from field site, A/C struck a 2-wire, triple-strand power line crossing the river to Lemons Springs Camp. The partial separation of the exhaust pipe from the rear of the engine case allowed the hot exhaust gasses to impinge upon the #1 T/R driveshaft hanger bearing. #62-12520 [Need A/C Unit] (CA ARNG) CP injured. UH-1H USAAVNS A/C crashed 4 mi NW of Pembroke while on a routine training mission from Ft Stewart. $17.95. UH-1H A/C was seen in a descending right turn, M/R system separated and fell vertically, crashed and burned near Virginia 721 in King and Queen County on a routine training flight while returning from Patuxent NAS to Richmond. A/C was in flight of four when it crashed at 1757 hours approx 8 mi SE from Camp Atterbury during routine NOE training due to failure of the forward reduction gear assembly component of the A/C's engine. UH-1 SSG Donald E. Thornton Jr [C]. A/C crashed near Elba after the mast failed resulting in separation of M/R. A/C was on a routine training mission out of Ft Rucker when it crashed and burned near the Crenshaw-Covington county lines just off of CR 43 and a 1/4 mile from Hwy 331 about 7 mi S of Brantley. SSG Benjamin R. Greenplate [CE] SPC Kurt M. Magill Ward [CE] A/C was performing NOE at 60 KIAS and 35-50' AGL. A/C crashed at approx 2100 hrs near Oak Grove airport S of Ft Worth while enroute to 300 Aviation Squadron base during violent stormy weather. The Aircrew Badge, commonly known as Wings, is a qualification badge of the United States military that is awarded by all five branches of armed services to personnel who serve as aircrew members on board military aircraft. James E. Robinson [ME]. pop up description layer Submit corrections/updated info here . UH-1H 1LT James A. Johnson [SP]. #73-21711 B/82 CAB [Need Tail#] CW2 John A. Clark [P] Investigation suspected that they continued flight using degraded visual cues that caused them to falsely interpret their altitude and visible horizon. The CIV PAX was the 18-month old son of the pilot. Thanks in large part to the helicopter's numerous appearances on the silver screen, it is now difficult to picture the Vietnam War without seeing the UH-1 Iroquois - better known as the Huey. A B-1B Lancer from Ellsworth Air Force Base, S.D., flies over a UH-1N Huey helicopter from the 37th Helicopter Squadron at F.E. 2LT Eric J. Smeltzer [P] A/C crashed in a densely wooded area south of Cleveland, near the Tarkington VFD at FM 321 and Texas 163 while flying to Beaumont port for deployment to Desert Storm. 126 MED (CA ARNG) D/28 AVN (NC ARNG) Aerial Rocket Artillery (ARA) Battalions used all rocket (Hog) configurations with gun armed and grenade ships only in the Headquarters Battery. The A/C crew was not injured. UH-1H Flight slowed to about 50 KIAS and crossed a tower at less than required 50' clearance when Chalk #4 descended onto the tower while returning to cruising altitude. UH-1M Chalk 2 hit the ground in a right nose-low attitude and tumbled approx 292' before coming to rest in an inverted position. In an attempt to maintain contact with the flight, pilot entered a slight descending left turn. 1LT Daniel Winchester Jr. 4 CMD AVN BN Member of Army team of helicopter acrobats was killed when he fell 40' while performing at a carnival in Madison. SP4 Carl E. Campbell [CE] The fuel spilled on the Huey and caught both on fire. #71-20218 CW2 Howard W. Blanton Jr [P] 6 injured. CW2 John C. Johnson Jr [P] SGT Charles B. 1LT George G. Bendik* (USAF) CP was killed when stabilizer bar hit him in the back and pinned him against the instrument panel. A/C was hovering to refuel when wind from the rear tipped the acft and spun it around and M/R hit the ground causing acft to roll on its right side. 3/498 MED A/C was in flight of 7 acft on RTB from a 5-day field exercise to Goeppingen, proceeding in loose trail formation. The A/C started a right descending turn when the T/B separated, followed by mast bumping with the rotor separating, crashed and burned upon impact. 2LT Curt Heady [P] This website is not a product of the Department of Defense, the Department of the Army, or any other government agency. SSG Edward Roberts [CE] PFC Gerald F. Court [CE]. All four crew members aboard perished. USAAVNS WOC George T. Faircloth CW2 Stewart Hundere [AC] #68-16200 #69-15187 PFC Warren D. Switzer 1LT Gregory P. Powers [IP] P & CE injured. #68-16221 The UH1 was the archetypal utility helicopter used in Vietnam. CW2 Anthony R. Rakowski [P] 121 AVN 1LT Kenneth Holt [P] 5 injured. WO1 Edward A. Zelko [P] [Need Tail#] After about 20 minutes of flight, CP announced a decrease in rotor RPM and A/C flew into trees and crashed. CW2 Manuel Gomez [P] [Need Tail#] #66-16293 maneuvers in the Owens Valley during a weekend USAR drill. [Need Tail#] USAAVNS SP4 Jerome S. Ryan Jr [C] [Need Tail#] MAJ Harold F. Sutton [P]. CPT Philip R. Ramsey [P]. Jet pilot was also killed. A/C crashed in a hilly wooded at approx 0210 hrs area near the E70 autobahn between Wildflecken and Bad Bruckenau during a medevac mission. #62-1947 UH-1H CW2 Harold E. Carty Jr [IP] Crew successfully autorotated down the side of a hill after crossing a ridgeline. CW2 Guy L. Andrews Jr [CP] [Need Tail#] CIV Phillip E. Walker [IP] Fairchild tankers among KC-135s inspected for faulty tail parts, base officials confirm This mod contain: AB-205 Huey Italian Army variant. WOC Steven D. Wells [SP]. PFC Ira D. Holland [CE] #64-14144 USAAVNS eBay Money Back Guarantee. USAAVNS [Need Tail#] A/C was in flight of 8 flying routine checkout from Atlanta to Broken Bow when it crashed 4 miles W of Forrest City near I40 after hitting power lines across the highway. A/C crashed and burned at 1140 hours E of Winlock off Freeway near Frost Rd. SP5 Manuel E. Moore CE injured. 1LT Daniel E. Graybeal [P] CSM James W. Cook (U.S. Air Force photo) WWII USAAF Aircrews During World War II, U.S. Army Air Forces (USAAF) aircrews fought in a vast global war from the hot, dry deserts of North Africa to the dangerously frigid wilderness in Greenland, Iceland, and Alaska. army aircrews hueybemidji state hockey jersey. CW4 Dickie C. Hill [P] By implementing an overarching emergency handling logic across the Aviation branch, Army aircrews will be better prepared to respond to emergencies in context with the profiles required in LSCO. A/C was on a transport flight and while RTB, crew smelled smoke. Best Review Site for Digital Cameras. #65-9913 1SG Wood died 2 days later. UH-1D The Army Air Corps (AAC) is the combat aviation arm of the British Army. UH-1H [Need Tail#] SGT Michael J. Chandler [CE]. The Army's 250-foot drop tower at Fort Benning, Georgia sees a newly designed training parachute installed to better match current parachute drop rates. ID ARNG UH-1H UH-1H A/7 AVN B/227 AHB SP4 Robert E. Lee Murphy [CE] #66-15230 AHT/163 ACR (UT ARNG) WOC Robert W. McComb [SP]